To answer you properly, I would probably need to write a separate story (which I might do in the future). While I can appreciate the lens through which you are viewing this snippet of my dating arc, I can assure you, bluntly, that you are wrong.
You've misread the situation as my being confused. Had William been a man of his word, I would have booked a flight back to London as soon as he would have allowed me (or welcomed him to the States at his earliest convenience). I would have never even met Palmer because my dating apps would have been closed and I would have been putting all of my energy into my and Will's relationship. In fact, I only met William because the tennis stud I'd been interested in dating exclusively brushed me off before my UK trip.
I'm not conflicted. I'm just practical. If someone is sending mixed signals or seems incompatible, I'm keeping my options open as I see how things unfold.
My long time readers have followed my adventures and are at the advantage of further context. Thank you for reading.