The Final Gasp of My First Decade of Online Dating

My 2023 Dating Recap — Part 5

Bonnie Barton
7 min readJan 4, 2024
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When Palmer finally agreed to get my car from valet so I could leave, I checked my phone for the first time in a few hours. I’d been waiting for confirmation about something important. Sure enough, I had an e-mail from my dad giving me an update.

Believe it or not, there are things I don’t share here in Mediumland. There are parts of my life that remain private out of respect for close family members and friends.

But yes, at the moment I was getting dumped, I received a very upsetting personal update.

When I got home, I had the double-whammy of dealing with my pain regarding Palmer AND the other personal matter.

But I didn’t end up feeling alone that night. Someone…the most unexpected someone…kept me company.

The tennis stud, Andy, who brushed me off earlier in September!

I don’t know how to define what we’re doing, what our relationship is. And frankly, I don’t care!

I’ve made an exception for him over the past several months and remain okay with the gray of our situation.

We’re attracted to each other. Duh! How could I not be attracted to him? Michaelangelo could have sculpted him!



Bonnie Barton

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.