Re-Visiting the Friends First Dating Strategy

My 2023 Dating Recap — Part 3

Bonnie Barton
7 min readDec 23, 2023
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Palmer: “I’m not sure being friends with a woman I’ve met on a dating app is possible. I’ve tried this a few times and it ends the same. After promising me they just want to be friends, a few months later the women admit they’re in love with me.”

I shoved aside the tiny red flag waving in the distance. I couldn’t help but recall similar words from smart, hot Forrest Gump.

Me: “It’s not for everyone, but I have a good track record of staying friends with exes. I have quite a few guy friends. It’s rare I can’t make it work.”

When we had this conversation after our first friend date, I was sincere. I had every hope I could be friends with Palmer.

I was eager to make new friends in Houston. Palmer was so easy to be around. It seemed foolish to dismiss a budding friendship with him.

Even though I was attracted to Palmer, I was determined to see things through with dashing William Windsor.

But over the next week, William changed his mind about seeing me in London. And he dropped off almost completely.

In the meantime, Palmer and I were hanging out often. Usually, we just watched TV or listened to music on one of our couches. Low-key and quiet. We…



Bonnie Barton

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.