Life on Mars and…

A BMT Mixtape

Bonnie Barton
4 min readNov 7, 2019
Fashion and music icon, our hero David Bowie

…Venus and Mercury and Earth, too!

Can you believe it? I still haven’t run out of new themes!

This one was extra fun because, while I needed to stay on my literal concept, I was able to cast my net wide from a musical standpoint.

That means I’ve got SO MUCH variety on this sucker!

I love it when I get to stretch because I have extra latitude regarding the musicians, styles, and eras that I can choose from.

This is another theme that could become a multi-volume endeavor in the future. I left off lots of great contenders, but love the flavor of this one.

It’s a very unique curation of tunes that I don’t think anyone else would put together.

In other words: the Bonnie dial is set to MAX!

If someone wanted to know what Bonnie’s Mixed Tape was about, I feel like a bewigged Lady Gaga with the Muppets in attendance singing “Venus” wouldn’t be a bad place to start.



Bonnie Barton

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.