I’m sure that moving them off Medium would definitely not get counted as “reading time” for my mixtapes. I’m not even sure if watching them as embedded in the story counts. I just have no idea!
Also, if it’s more convenient for you to play them using a different format, I hate to discourage you from doing what works for you.
And finally, even the “reading time” calculation is supposed to be fairly sophisticated. In other words, you can’t just leave open the page and have that count. Scrolling and other “activity” is supposed to get captured in order to count the reading as actually reading and not shortcutting by leaving a story open while the “reader” does other stuff. (That’s what I’ve read anyway.)
So, yeah, shorter stories, poems, comics, and something like my mixtapes really aren’t designed for this new system. I’ll probably have to adjust to making $1 or so for each one. It’s possible that the system might be tweaked, but I don’t hold out hope for that.
I’m just disappointed because I finally had a nice little revenue from them. I was never going to get wealthy off my silly mixtapes, but it was some proper spending change. Ah, well!
I’m SO touched that you and Audrey would invest so much time in trying to understand the system to support folks like me and other smaller writers.
THANK YOU, Tony Dyson!