I'm not sure why you think Palmer wanted his wife back. I cannot be more clear that his marriage was dead. Palmer was grieving the loss of his marriage and what he always wished he could have had with his ex-wife of three years. He was not actually missing his ex-wife and her....antics.
As for Abby, I recognized that for what it was: Palmer briefly considered resurrecting a prior relationship. Because I had so much dating experience (and because he had told me a bit about their relationship and why they had ended things in the first place), I had zero concerns he would date her for long. (He never even told Abby he was considering dating her again. He only told me he intended to do so.) Granted, I assumed he would date her at least for a little bit. I didn't foresee him realizing he NEVER needed to date her again.
In any case, none of this really matters since it appears you have made your own assessment of my dating life. Thank you for your perspective.