I'm blessed to have many male readers. They know I would never, ever use the term "all men are creeps." Good gracious what absurd language. Am I supposed to be insulted by your first sentence? As I explained in detail, Ian is fully separated. That's not what I seek out. I actively avoid it but every once in a while someone slips through the cracks. As for being a woman in her 50s dating someone I think is good-looking...I'm unapologetic about that. I delight in it. I bask and revel in it. It's taken me a lifetime to finally see I'm a high value chick. I don't date 10s, but I do date men I'm attracted to. And that goes far beyond physical appearance. In fact, I went out of my way in this story to explain exactly why I was spending time with Ian. For his sweetness and our interesting conversation in addition to how he looked.
In any case, I blog to enlighten, entertain, and be honest. My writing lens is through sincerity, introspection, and (usually) a dash of humor. Nothing more, nothing less. While I'm disappointed you interpreted my writing as "bemoaning," you are certainly entitled to your opinion.