I was in an on-and-off relationship for 18 months during those 6 years. And I met a couple of other guys that I liked — we were either better off as friends or the timing was off.
Otherwise, there have been the guys who wanted to make sex tapes with me or were into S&M (and waited to tell me until the 4th date — thanks!). The guy who insulted me within 15 minutes of meeting me. The guy who dumped me because I liked the wrong kind of pizza. The guy who dumped me because my car was too nice. The guys who disappeared after what I thought was a good first date. The guys who decided to go out with the crazy, hot chicks rather than me, the stable chick. Etc, etc, etc.
I just shrugged my shoulders. I guess I got a lot of lessons and some decent stories!
Thanks for reading.