I Am Never Dating as Friends First Ever Again

My 2023 Recap — Part 4

Bonnie Barton
9 min readDec 25, 2023
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Palmer: “Yes, I meant to call you!”

Me (sputtering in shock): “Really? I thought you must have butt-dialed me.”

Palmer: “I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I keep thinking about kissing you, your lips. I realized I was being an idiot. Why would I date someone from my past when I have you right in front of me?”

I was completely surprised. I thought I’d hear from Palmer again but much further in the distance. He seemed so determined to date Abby again.

I had recognized that Palmer was still working through post-divorce emotions and lessons.

Most of us will have someone from our past swing back around. I wrote about my own experience here.

So I saw the situation with Abby for what it was: a post-divorce lesson Palmer needed to experience on his own terms. I always knew he would work through that and then likely return to me. But obviously, I hadn’t expected it to only take him 6 hours to figure out!

I rarely get surprised by dating anymore, but this time I was absolutely gobsmacked.

Someone was finally picking me!

Me: “I’m going to watch The Golden Bachelor tomorrow night. I wanted to invite you to…



Bonnie Barton

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.