Bonnie Barton
1 min readFeb 25, 2019


If all of us single people were offered true love, free of charge and on-demand, we would take it.

As I wrote in my Redoubtable story, I don’t even MIND the work, having to look for love, having to put myself out there. I don’t expect my special someone and love to fall in my lap! (And I certainly understand that a real relationship takes effort.)

But, yeah, the message of fabulously single just doesn’t ring true for me!

I think you and our pal, Dick, are more zen about it than I am. I might be able to get to that place, but not anytime soon! I just sighed.

Thank you as always for reading and your support, Jonathan!



Bonnie Barton

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.