A Dating Double-Whammy Day

AKA a very Bonnie day

Bonnie Barton
6 min readJun 8, 2024
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I was having one of those rare days where life is pleasant, simple, and quiet. My son, newly back from his freshman year of college, and I were enjoying a lovely afternoon exploring the neighborhood. I was just going about my day and boom!

The very recently divorced Ivy League-trained surgeon I had had one date with the prior Saturday reached out to me to share that he’d already met someone he wanted to date exclusively. He’d been on a dating app for 7 days.

He was brand new to online dating and I was one of his first matches. We spoke on the phone and I gently but directly explained that I had been burned so many times by newly single men that I no longer dated men so fresh out of their marriage.

In my decade of online dating, I’ve learned some lessons the hard way. Now I make sure to ask every single time how long someone has been single/divorced and the ages of any children. His kids were all college-aged (woohoo), but he had only been divorced since January. Ruh-roh.

But I agreed to meet him and chat in general about dating. Plus, he was new to the area and we were both open to a possible friendship. I also hadn’t ruled out dating him in the future once he had more experience under his belt and was clearer on what he was looking for in a relationship.



Bonnie Barton

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.